Laser Skin treatment undoubtedly is a gift sent from heaven. For all the people who want to escape the never ending merry go round of waxing sessions and shaving, a laser treatment is the best option out there for you. Going through all that pain twice a month just to get rid of the unwanted hair or shaving in every two days is like a huge task for anyone.

Today’s Zolie blog is going to address the issue which our readers have been requesting for a long time. Since we post a lot of videos about the process of laser hair removal we are often asked about the precautions that one must take after a laser session. Not many people know that there are certain rules that one must adhere to in order to make their laser treatment more effective. In simplest of words, you need to follow these holy rules like the 10 commandments of the Bible.

  1. Avoid excessive sun exposure- in order to ensure that your laser treatment is really effective you need to avoid exposure to sunlight as much as possible. This is recommended because lasered skin is vulnerable to sunlight and may react if it comes in contact with it, making the skin color dark.
  2. Wear a sunscreen- this one was pretty obvious. Once you have gotten your laser treatment done, you need to buy yourself a good sunscreen (preferably SPF 30). Apply sunscreen every time you go out even though the exposure to the sun is minimal.
  3. Avoid extremely hot showers or bath- it is highly recommended to avoid hot showers or bath for at least 48 hours after your laser treatment.
  4. Do not pluck or wax the area which was treated- if in between the sessions you wax or pluck the area which has been treated in the subsequent session we lose of the follicle that we could have targeted and destroyed with the laser thus not getting the desired results in the stipulated time period.
  5. Avoid harsh creams- one needs to avoid any kind of harsh creams on the skin after the treatment for at least 4-5 days. This would help in preventing side effects or allergic reactions.
  6. Avoid bleach- you are expected to not immediately use chemical bleach on the area which has been treated.
  7. Use anti-inflammatory creams- using anti-inflammatory creams on the area which has been treated may be very helpful. In case of discoloration/ pigmentation, one can apply Vitamin E to encourage soothing of the skin.
  8. Keep away from deodorants-  it is suggested to not use deodorants for at least 3 days after the treatment in order to avoid irritation on the skin.
  9. Don’t expect the hair not to grow back after 2-3 days of a laser session: Targeted hair usually shed off in a weeks time so be patient and wait for the results.
  10. The next laser session- your next laser session should be after 4-6 weeks depending on your hair growth and not anytime sooner than that. It is very important to have a good gap between all your laser sessions.

Getting a laser treatment done is a great experience which will leave your body really smooth. However, the steps you take in order to make the treatment successful plays a very vital role. One needs to provide their skin with all the essential care that it requires after a laser treatment for the best results. With that I hope you guys learnt something new and we were able to help you.