Fillers Treatment in Delhi

What are Fillers- Lip, Cheek, Dermal & Others?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring substance found in the body that helps to hydrate and add volume to our skin. Hyaluronic acid is used for aesthetic treatments. It is the ideal solution for smoothening initial lines that appear on the superficial layer of the skin.

It can be used for:

  • Tear troughs / undereye circles
  • Total facial rejuvenation & lip augmentation
  • Neck and Hands rejuvenation

The procedure takes just about 15 minutes depending on the extent and area under consideration for injecting.

The aesthetic results are immediate and very natural looking. You may experience some redness and bruising after the injection that can be concealed with makeup or concealers. You can return to work and resume your social life almost immediately.

Cost of Filler treatment? [2021]

– Cost of 1ml of fillers is INR 18000 to INR 27000
– Lip filler or tear trough filler cost would be around INR 20,000- INR 26,000 (1ml)

Dermal Filler: The procedure

It is a very simple and quick procedure. The first and foremost thing is the assessment of the patient. The doctor understand the patient’s concerns regarding the volume loss or any enhancement or augmentation or sculpting the patient is desiring and then explains to the patient as to what changes could be achieved by the fillers, what would enhance the facial features, how to make the changes look subtle and how many syringes might be needed to bringing about the desired changes.

  1. Application of a numbing cream over injection sites for half an hour.
  2. After removing the anaesthetic cream we mark the area to be injected and area to be avoided while injecting.
  3. Cleaning the area with alcohol swab
  4. Injecting the desired product and the desired depth tp plump up the skin and make the face look much more contoured, refreshed and younger
  5. Moulding the product in place
  6. Applying an antibiotic cream over injection sites

It is a very simple procedure and it lasts for 15 mins to 1 hour depending upon the amount of product to be injected.

How long does the Dermal Filler last?

Dermal fillers generally last anywhere between 6 months to 2 years. The duration of effect, be it the volumisation or the lift, depends on the type of dermal filler used, site of injection, the metabolic rate of the patient etc. There are a variety of Dermal fillers to choose from depending on the area of the face we are trying to augment.

After care instructions for Dermal Filler

  1. Avoid facial massage for 2 days after procedure
  2. Avoid strenuous exercise for 2 days
  3. Avoid excessive sun exposure or heat for 2-3 days
  4. Try to sleep on your back, if possible for the two nights following your procedure.

Cheek Filler

Want to know the secrets to getting that model look? Lifted and contoured cheeks shape and define the face giving it an attractive look. Our cheeks/ mid-face helps define our beauty, makeup blush when used in the right way can instantly make you look more glamorous, but what about looking your stunning best all throughout the day? The trick is lifted contoured cheeks that would give structure and definition to the face making it look more youthful, radiant, refreshed and attractive.

Are you in your 30s? Then you need to read this NOW! 

 This is one of the best ages to be in, this is the time when our social life tends to scale but this is also when the skin aging starts to become more prominent. That undereye hollowness, undereye dark circles may give a tired and sad look, also the cheeks may become a bit saggy leading to more prominent smile lines both of which might make you look older than your age.

Dermal Fillers, when injected to lift the cheek, would also improve the smile lines as well as the help stretch and lift the undereye area giving to more support and structure and with making the face look more defined and even model-like. Our Zolie method of placing multiple microdroplets of the filler makes the filler integrate with the surrounding tissue easier and thus giving natural-looking results. 

Are you in your 40s? You need to know this NOW!

This is the peak of your career and social life too and who doesn’t want to look their best. Also, this is the time when your mirror starts reminding you of the glorious years behind that face. The undereye bags, under eye hollowness, prominent smile lines, dropping smile, sagging cheeks all need to be addressed to make one look more youthful. A happier and younger reflection in the mirror would not only boost confidence but would also make one feel more in control of their appearance and youth. Even though we all say ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’, but we all do!  And we judge ourselves too by the reflection in the mirror. Though one’s 30s and 40s, we are busy investing in stocks and trades, this is the stage to invest time, money and energy on oneself.

Dermal fillers in the cheek will help anchor the mid-face and give support to the sagging face and instantly lift it. The Zolie method of facial assessment and injecting fillers highlights the adequate volume of filler required in every patient and the result it would help achieve. 

Are you in your 50s or 60s?

The face starts to sag more, starts looking dehydrated and wrinkles become more prominent. But if one has been taking good care of the skin and has been regularly with Dermal Fillers in their 30s and 40s then things aren’t as harsh as they could be.

One requires more volume of Dermal fillers to lift the face and provide support to the sagging tissue. Midface is the area that provides a greater amount of support needed to lift the sagging face. According to the Zolie method of facial assessment, we advise the patient of the areas of injection that would best build up the facial contour and we inject the fillers in accordance with that. 


For the cheeks, we use Juvederm volume and the amount of product used varies from approximately 1 ml to 3 ml usually, depending on the results that are desired.

Cost Of Cheek Filler

The cost of 1ml is only INR 27,000 (including GST) and the product lasts for about 18 months to 24 months, though the longevity of the product also depends on a person’s metabolism.

Lip Filler

Lip fillers might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it surely is the most popular beauty treatment that people want to know more about.

Now there can be a lot of mixed opinion in the air when it comes to lip fillers. You’ll find a lot of people stating why one shouldn’t get fillers done while others who would support the fillers. I personally feel that one should follow the rule of ‘what makes them happy’.

Moreover, there could be a lot of reasons as to why women might want to use lip fillers. For starters, there are a lot of reasons because of which women see a sudden decline in the volume of their lips.

1) Age

With time the production of collagen reduces, which leads to much thinner lips. Collagen is the building blocks of the skin and thus with the depletion in the production of collagen, we notice a decline in the size of our lips.

2) Lack of Hydration

In case you’ve forgotten to see the amount of water, you’ve had since morning then I think it’s the best time to do the bottoms up. It’s for the best to keep your body hydrated which in turn makes your lips look fuller and less flaky.

3) Habit of Over-lining

Most of the women have this habit of over lining their lips. I’ve seen a lot of women over line their lips two times more than their actual size in order to achieve the illusion of fuller lips. Another common technique adopted by women is also using the habit of darker shades which would hide the actual size of their lips and makeover lining look more natural.

Lip Filler Before and After

Lip Filler: Frequently Asked Questions

What are lip fillers made up of?

Most of the lip fillers are made of Hyaluronic acid (HA) which is a naturally occurring substance found in the body that helps to hydrate and add volume to our skin. Hyaluronic acid is used for aesthetic treatments. It is the ideal solution for smoothening initial lines that appear on the superficial layer of the skin. The main function of Hyaluronic acid is to focus on three major aspects of our lips which are the shape, structure, and volume.

Are HA lip fillers safe?

Yes, HA fillers (Hyaluronic acid) are safe in nature and there a couple of reasons why there are better than any other fillers.

  • Control in size– one of the best reasons to use this filler is because of the power it gives to you and your doctor in resizing your lips. You can go overboard with your lips or can keep them simple it all depends on the size of lips you desire for.
  • Can be dissolved– the bumps can get dissolved easily and you can go on and about with your life. It also means that even though you’ll get lasting results from the treatment, they still won’t be permanent in nature which again is a win-win for the client.
  • Gradual treatment– it’s not a fast pace process where things get done after a single session and thus, you see a gradual change after every session rather than a sudden and abrupt one. Thus, you can take your own time and easily decide things even during this whole process.
  • No allergic reaction– there is no allergic reaction to this technique since HA is a naturally occurring substance and thus is safe in nature. Allergy to the lignocaine present in the HA fillers is also very rare.

Are lip fillers something painful?

Depending upon who performs the procedure one can decipher the amount of pain that one might encounter. Mostly, lip injections are not very painful and can be described as a ‘mild sensation of sting’ on the lips. Trust me it’s nothing you cannot bear with. At Zolie Skin Clinic we have the best of the best of services; for us, it’s you who comes first.

Can I get them removed afterward?

Yes, thanks to HA fillers which can get dissolved inside your lips, you’ll not have to worry about doing something permanent to your appearance.

How much filler does one need?

Depending upon your desire to have big lips one can decide how much filler is going to be used. Nevertheless, it hardly exceeds 1ml to 2 ml of filler.

Will I be good to go after one session?

Yes, absolutely. The results are immediate, though you much experience a slight bit of swelling the next day which tends to subside with time. Apart from this, there is nothing much to worry about.

What are some tips that I must follow before the procedure?

Your primary step should be in consultation with the doctor. It is important for you to have a separate session where you discuss thoroughly of what results you are looking for after this procedure along with any medical condition or medication which might affect the procedure like aspirin.

On the other hand, there are some post-procedure standard rules that are to be followed by everyone in general such as-

  • Avoiding extremely cold compress
  • Pressing or squeezing your lips
  • Reporting any blisters or abnormal swelling immediately

What is the cost of lip fillers?

The answer to this can vary from every doctor you visit. It is plausible that you might find one doctor better than others. However, in most of the cases, the price of lip fillers is somewhere between INR 18,000-26,000 / $280-$400 / € 250- €350

Before & After Pictures