Photo facial is a dermatological term for a skin treatment makes use of light-based technology and boosts collagen and reduces redness in your skin, treats brown spots, spider veins, broken capillaries, and other issues and gives you younger-looking skin. This is also known as photo facials, facial rejuvenation and photo rejuvenation.
Face is the first thing people notice about you. But harsh cleansers, excessive sun exposure, environmental and dietary factors can leave your skin looking dull and wrinkled, in which case it’s not enough to use just cosmetics.Very often, photo facial treatment makes use of IPL ( intense-pulsed light) but some dermatologists use LED equipment as well. It is extremely important to evaluate and understand which therapy is being used, so that you can pick the treatment which will suit you best. Photo facials are a gentle, less expensive way to change your appearance as opposed to various other treatments.
The number of sittings for an IPL photo facial treatment depends on the severity of the condition and area that needs to be cured, your skin type and the results that you desire. Our estheticians suggest a daily skin care regime to ensure that you fetch maximum out of your photo facial treatment. you need will vary depending on the condition you’re treating, the results. IPL & LED techniques are different from each other and therefore, the results also vary.
We recommend that you understand the type of treatment before you choose to undergo the same. An LED treatment is good option for it is a painless, relaxing, boosts collagen and kills bacteria to avoid acne.The results of a photo facial technique are natural and not completely transforming like skin surgeries. Various medical studies have proved that a photo facial is beneficial to your skin in more than one way. Talk to our experts for Photo Facial Treatment in Greater Kailash, get answers for all your queries, and a treatment that your skin will thank you for!