About Vitiligo
Vitiligo, “Safed dagh” is a condition that causes depigmentation of sections of skin. It occurs when the cells responsible for skin pigmentation ie melanocytes, die or are unable to function. The cause of vitiligo is unknown, but research suggests that it may arise from autoimmune, genetic or oxidative stress etc.
Chronic nature of disease, long term treatment, lack of uniform effective therapy and unpredictable course of disease is usually very demoralizing for patients.
White spot on my face have started to vanish as I continue applying the medicines the doctor has written.
Ms Bhumika, Kalkaji
Explaining the patient about nature of disease & unpredictable course.
Balanced nutritious diet.
Avoidance of physical & emotional stress.
Topical applications.
Systemic treatment: PUVAsol, NBUVB, immunosuppresants etc.